
First topic is about relationships!

Humans are social animals, we have heard many times. But let's just focus on "social" - humans are social.
There are quantity levels. First level is: One, I am one and you are one, that's individuality. A relationship within the one is studied through Psychology.

Now when one gets together with one, thats the second level - we are talking about relationships. This relationship is studied by Psychology and Sociology.

Especially Sociology when we go beyond two and get into the group of ever larger numbers...

But we don't need to deal with the scientific categories, this blog is interdisciplinary in approach. Plain talk tells us that relationships are about what a person longs for in the soul. We are struggling with loneliness.

Never fear, help is on its way. But whenever we are really getting into this relationship phase of life, we need to do two things simultaneously. And we need to do them at the same time! (that's one of Peter Appleseed's half-jokes)

First thing is to know why you are looking for someone else in your life, what are you missing, who are you? Know yourself and know who you aren't.

The second thing is to know who you're looking for - have a clear picture of their characteristics and personality.

If you do only one of these things, relationship cannot be successful. Both processes have to be going on before a successful relationship can happen.

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